When you're managing multiple Zoom meetings, finding your Meeting ID quickly is essential for keeping things running smoothly. In this guide, we'll show you simple steps to locate your Zoom Meeting ID, whether you're using the app, web portal, or already in a session. To enhance your Zoom experience, explore How Early Should You Join a Zoom Interview? and How to Use Breakout Rooms in Zoom.

What is a Zoom Meeting ID?

A Zoom Meeting ID is a unique identifier assigned to each meeting. Think of it as a digital room number. When you schedule a meeting on Zoom, the platform generates this ID, ensuring each meeting space is distinct. The primary purpose of the Meeting ID is to help participants join the correct session without confusion.

Differences Between Personal Meeting ID (PMI) and Scheduled Meeting IDs

  • Personal Meeting ID (PMI): A PMI is a constant ID assigned to your personal meeting room. You can use it for instant meetings or recurring sessions. It's like your personal office, always available for use.
  • Scheduled Meeting ID: This ID is generated for each specific meeting you schedule. Unlike the PMI, it changes with every new meeting, providing a unique identifier for each session.

Security Implications of Sharing Meeting IDs

Sharing Meeting IDs comes with certain risks. If someone unauthorized gets hold of your Meeting ID, they can join your meeting, potentially causing disruptions or accessing sensitive meeting information. Here are some tips to mitigate these risks:

  • Use a Passcode: Add a passcode to your meeting to ensure only invited participants can join.
  • Enable Waiting Rooms: Control who enters the meeting by manually admitting participants from the waiting room.
  • Do Not Share Publicly: Avoid posting your Meeting ID on public platforms. Share it only with intended participants through secure channels.

How to Find Your Zoom Meeting ID

From the Zoom App

You can easily find your Zoom Meeting ID using both the desktop and mobile apps. Here’s how:

Desktop App:

  1. Open Zoom: Launch the Zoom desktop app.
  2. Select "Meetings": On the home screen, click the "Meetings" tab at the top.
  3. Locate Your Meeting: Find your scheduled meeting from the list on the left.
  4. View Meeting Details: Click on the meeting, and the Meeting ID will appear under the meeting name.
How to Find Your Zoom Meeting ID From the Zoom App

Mobile App:

  1. Open the App: Launch the Zoom mobile app.
  2. Go to "Meetings": Tap the "Meetings" icon at the bottom.
  3. Select the Meeting: Choose the meeting you need from the list.
  4. Find the ID: The Meeting ID will be displayed under the meeting title.


  • Keep Zoom Updated: Ensure you have the latest version of the app for the best experience.
  • Screenshot for Quick Access: Take a screenshot of your Meeting ID for easy reference.

From Zoom Web Portal

Using the Zoom web portal is another way to find your Meeting ID. This method is especially useful for accessing advanced settings.


  1. Log In: Go to zoom.us and log into your account.
  2. Navigate to "Meetings": Click "Meetings" on the left sidebar.
  3. Find Your Meeting: In the "Upcoming Meetings" tab, locate the meeting you want.
  4. View Details: Click on the meeting, and the Meeting ID will be shown near the top of the meeting details.


  • Advanced Settings: The web portal allows you to customize advanced settings such as enabling waiting rooms, adding passwords, and more.
  • Ease of Access: You can access your meetings from any device with internet connectivity.

During an Ongoing Meeting

If you're already in a meeting and need to find the Meeting ID, you can do so without leaving the session.


  1. Open Meeting Controls: During the meeting, click on the "Participants" icon at the bottom of the screen.
  2. View Meeting Info: In the Participants panel, click the "Invite" button. A pop-up window will display the Meeting ID at the top.
Find Your Meeting ID During an Ongoing Meeting
Find Your Meeting ID During an Ongoing Meeting
  1. Alternative Method: Click on the info icon (usually an "i" in a circle) in the top left corner of the meeting window. The Meeting ID will be displayed there.


  • Troubleshooting: Knowing the Meeting ID can help resolve issues like participants not being able to join or if you need to report a problem to Zoom support.
  • Quick Sharing: Easily share the Meeting ID with latecomers or those having trouble joining.

Finding your Zoom Meeting ID is straightforward whether you're using the app, the web portal, or are already in a meeting. Keeping track of these IDs ensures smooth and efficient virtual gatherings.

How to Use Personal Meeting ID (PMI) Effectively

Definition and Benefits of PMI

A Personal Meeting ID (PMI) is a unique, permanent meeting number assigned to your Zoom account. Unlike randomly generated meeting IDs, your PMI remains consistent across all your meetings unless you decide to change it.

Benefits of Using PMI:

  • Consistency: Always use the same ID for recurring meetings.
  • Easy Recall: Memorize one ID instead of different ones for each meeting.
  • Quick Access: Others can join your meetings with the same consistent link or ID.

How to Customize Your PMI for Easy Recall

Customizing your PMI helps make it even easier to remember and share. Follow these steps:

  1. Log In to Zoom: Access your account via the Zoom web portal.
  2. Go to Profile: Click on "Profile" in the left sidebar.
  3. Edit PMI: Under "Personal Meeting ID," click "Edit."
  4. Choose a Custom ID: Enter a combination of numbers that are easy for you to remember, such as part of your phone number or a memorable date.
  5. Save Changes: Click "Save" to apply the new PMI.

Tip: Make sure your customized ID is still secure and not easily guessable by others.

Best Practices for Scheduling and Securing PMI Meetings

Using your PMI effectively requires some best practices to ensure your meetings are secure and well-organized.

Scheduling with PMI:

  • Recurring Meetings: Perfect for weekly team meetings, regular check-ins, or classes.
  • Instant Meetings: Quickly start a meeting using your PMI without scheduling in advance.

Securing PMI Meetings:

  • Enable a Waiting Room: This feature lets you control who enters your meeting.
  • Set a Meeting Passcode: Add an extra layer of security by requiring a passcode.
  • Lock the Meeting: Once all participants have joined, lock the meeting to prevent others from entering.
  • Regularly Update Settings: Occasionally review and update your security settings to stay protected.

Differences Between PMI and Randomly Generated Meeting IDs

Understanding the differences between PMI and randomly generated IDs helps you decide which to use for different situations.

Personal Meeting ID (PMI):

  • Permanent: The same meeting ID for all your meetings unless you change it.
  • Convenient: Easy to remember and share.
  • Best For: Recurring meetings with the same group, such as team check-ins or regular client calls.

Randomly Generated Meeting IDs:

  • Temporary: New ID generated for each meeting.
  • Higher Security: Less risk of uninvited guests since the ID changes.
  • Best For: One-time meetings, webinars, or sessions where high security is needed.

Applying these strategies for using your PMI effectively can simplify your Zoom meeting management and increase security. Understanding when to use your PMI versus a randomly generated ID can optimize your virtual meeting experience.

Common Issues When Finding Zoom Meeting IDs and How to Resolve Them

Troubleshooting Missing Meeting IDs

Sometimes, you might not be able to locate your Zoom Meeting ID. Here are steps to troubleshoot this common issue:

  1. Check Your Invitations: Meeting IDs are typically included in the email or calendar invitations sent by the meeting host.
  2. Zoom App:
  • Open the Zoom desktop client or mobile app.
  • Navigate to the "Meetings" tab.
  • Look for the scheduled meeting; the Meeting ID should be listed under the meeting details.
  1. Zoom Web Portal:
  • Log in to your Zoom account on the web.
  • Click on "Meetings" in the left sidebar.
  • Find your scheduled meeting under "Upcoming Meetings."

Tip: If you still can't find the Meeting ID, contact the meeting host for the details.

Resolving Issues with Scheduling and Recurring Meetings

Scheduling and managing recurring meetings can sometimes lead to confusion or errors. Here’s how to handle common issues:

  1. Recurring Meeting Not Showing:
  • Ensure you’re checking the correct date and time.
  • Confirm that the meeting was saved as a recurring meeting when initially scheduled.
  • Verify that the meeting hasn’t been deleted or altered by someone with administrative access.
  1. Meeting ID Changes:
  • If you scheduled a recurring meeting and notice the Meeting ID has changed, re-check the meeting settings.
  • Make sure the "Use PMI" option is either selected for consistency or deselected if you prefer unique IDs for security reasons.

Reminder: Regularly review your scheduled meetings to ensure all details are correct.

Tips for Ensuring Your Meeting ID is Always Accessible

Maintaining easy access to your Meeting ID is crucial for seamless joining and hosting of Zoom meetings. Here are practical tips:

  1. Save to Calendar:
  • Always add your Zoom meetings to a digital calendar (Google, Outlook, etc.). The Meeting ID will be included in the event details.
  1. Bookmark the Meeting Link:
  • Save frequently used meeting links or IDs in your web browser bookmarks.
  1. Use a Document:
  • Create a document or spreadsheet with all your scheduled meetings and their respective IDs. Keep this document easily accessible on your computer or cloud storage.
  1. Zoom App Shortcuts:
  • On the Zoom desktop or mobile app, pin or favorite your important meetings for quick access.

Pro Tip: Use a consistent naming convention for your meetings to easily identify them in your calendar or documents.

By following these guidelines, you can resolve common issues related to finding and using Zoom Meeting IDs. Remember to leverage the tools and settings available to streamline your meeting management and enhance security.


How Does Tactiq Enhance Your Zoom Meeting Experience?

How Does Tactiq Enhance Your Zoom Meeting Experience?
How Does Tactiq Enhance Your Zoom Meeting Experience?

Tactiq enhances your Zoom meetings by providing accurate transcriptions, shareable meeting content, and automated follow-ups. Here’s how it can help you easily find and manage your Zoom meetings:

  • Accurate and Reliable Transcriptions
    • Tactiq ensures every word spoken during your Zoom meetings is captured with high precision, minimizing misunderstandings and providing a dependable record for legal, compliance, or training purposes.
    • Transcriptions also improve accessibility, allowing everyone, including those with hearing impairments, to fully participate.
  • Seamless Collaboration with Shareable Content
    • Tactiq makes it easy to share transcriptions, summaries, and key points with your team, keeping the team aligned and informed.
    • Integration with tools like Google Docs and Slack ensures that meeting content is easily accessible across platforms, promoting better teamwork.
  • Boosted Productivity with Automated Summaries and Follow-Ups
    • Tactiq automatically generates summaries after each meeting, capturing main points and action items, saving you time and effort.
    • The tool also assists in drafting follow-up emails and notes, ensuring that all tasks are addressed promptly and efficiently.
  • Quick Access to Important Meeting Details
    • With Tactiq’s powerful search functionality, you can quickly locate specific details such as Meeting IDs or key discussion points, making meeting management more efficient.
    • Organized records ensure that all important information is easily retrievable whenever needed.

Using Tactiq enhances your Zoom meetings by providing reliable transcriptions, facilitating collaboration, boosting productivity, and ensuring quick access to important details. Download the free Tactiq Chrome Extension today!

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Want the convenience of AI summaries?

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