In today's digital landscape, maintaining control over virtual meetings is crucial. Zoom's Waiting Room feature offers a powerful solution for hosts to manage participant entry, ensuring that only authorized individuals gain access. Whether you're hosting a large conference, a private meeting, or a classroom session, the Waiting Room acts as a gatekeeper, providing an extra layer of security and professionalism.

In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of enabling the Zoom Waiting Room, how it compares with other Zoom security features like passcodes and meeting locks, and walk you through the steps to set it up and manage it effectively.

If you’re new to Zoom, don't miss the Guide to Setting Up a Zoom Meeting and The Complete Zoom Guide for a Perfect Meeting.

What is the Zoom Waiting Room?

Zoom Waiting Room
Zoom Waiting Room

Image from Zoom

A Zoom Waiting Room is a feature that allows hosts to control who enters their meetings. It acts as a virtual holding area for participants until the meeting host admits them. This feature is essential for ensuring that only authorized participants join the meeting.

Why Enable Waiting Room in Zoom?

Enhanced security for your meetings

Security is crucial in any meeting. The Zoom Waiting Room feature ensures that only invited participants can join. This helps prevent unwanted guests from accessing sensitive information. In a world where "Zoombombing" is a real threat, adding this layer of security can give you peace of mind.

Control over participant entry

Enabling the Waiting Room allows you to decide who enters the meeting and when. This is especially useful for events with multiple speakers or sessions. You can admit attendees at the right time, ensuring the meeting runs smoothly without interruptions.

Mitigating potential disruptions

Unwanted participants can disrupt your meeting with noise or inappropriate behavior. By using a Waiting Room, you can screen participants before they join, minimizing the risk of disruptions. This feature is particularly useful in settings where maintaining a focused environment is essential.

Professionalism in managing large meetings

Managing large meetings can be challenging. The Waiting Room feature helps you maintain a professional atmosphere by allowing you to admit participants in an orderly fashion. This ensures that your meeting starts on time and runs smoothly, leaving a positive impression on your attendees.

Using the Zoom Waiting Room feature can significantly improve the quality and security of your virtual meetings, making them more efficient and professional.

How to Enable Waiting Room in Zoom

Step-by-Step Guide

Enabling the Waiting Room in Zoom is straightforward. Follow these steps to ensure your meetings are secure and well-managed:

  1. Log in to the Zoom web portal:
  • Open your web browser and go to
  • Click on the "Sign In" button at the top-right corner.
  • Enter your Zoom credentials to access your account.
  1. Navigate to the Settings menu:
  • Once logged in, look at the left-hand side of the screen.
  • Click on "Settings" under the "Personal" section.
  1. Locate the Waiting Room option under Security:
  • In the Settings menu, click on the "Meeting" tab at the top.
  • Scroll down to find the "Security" section.
  • Look for the "Waiting Room" option among the security settings.
  1. Enable Waiting Room:
Enable Waiting Room on Zoom
Enable Waiting Room on Zoom
  • Toggle the switch next to "Waiting Room" to enable it.

By following these steps, you can easily enable the Waiting Room in Zoom and ensure your meetings are secure and well-managed.

How to Manage Participants in the Waiting Room

Managing Waiting Room participants helps keep your Zoom meetings organized and secure. Here’s how to effectively handle participants waiting to join your meeting:

Admitting Participants Individually or All at Once

Admitting Meeting Participants Individually:

  • When a participant joins, you will see a notification.
  • Click "Manage Participants" on the meeting toolbar.
  • Find the participant's name in the Waiting Room list and click "Admit" to let them in.

Admitting All Participants at Once:

  • Open the "Manage Participants" panel.
  • Click "Admit All" at the top of the Waiting Room list. This will allow everyone waiting to join the meeting at the same time.

Tips for Managing a Large Number of Participants

Handling a large group can be challenging, but these tips can help:

  • Pre-assign Co-hosts: Assign co-hosts before the meeting to help manage the Waiting Room.
  • Staggered Admission: Admit meeting participants in small groups rather than all at once to avoid overwhelming the meeting.
  • Clear Instructions: Provide clear instructions in the Waiting Room message to ensure participants know what to expect.

Using the Security Button in In-Meeting Controls

The Security button in Zoom provides quick access to various meeting controls, including managing the Waiting Room.

  • During the meeting, click the "Security" button on the meeting toolbar.
  • You can lock the meeting, enable the Waiting Room, and manage participants directly from this menu.
  • This button also allows you to remove disruptive participants or restrict certain features like screen sharing.

Managing participants in the Waiting Room ensures a smooth and secure meeting experience. By using these features and tips, you can maintain better control and professionalism in your Zoom meetings.

Troubleshooting Common Issues with Zoom Waiting Rooms

Why is My Waiting Room Not Working in Zoom?

If your Zoom Waiting Room isn't functioning correctly, several factors could be causing the issue. Here's how to identify and fix common problems.

Ensuring the Waiting Room is Enabled

First, verify that the Waiting Room feature is turned on:

  1. Log in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Navigate to "Settings": You’ll find it in the left-hand menu.
  3. Under "Security", locate the "Waiting Room" option.
  4. Ensure the toggle is switched on.

Checking Settings for Instant Meetings and Zoom Phone Calls

Zoom settings can differ for scheduled meetings, instant meetings, and Zoom Phone calls:

  • Instant Meetings: Ensure the Waiting Room is enabled for instant meetings. Go to "Settings" > "Meeting" > "Security" and check the box for "Waiting Room".
  • Zoom Phone Calls: For calls, ensure that the Waiting Room is enabled in the phone settings. Go to "Settings" > "Phone" > "Waiting Room".

How to Adjust Settings in the Zoom App

Sometimes, adjusting settings directly in the Zoom app can resolve issues:

  1. Open the Zoom app: Ensure you are signed in.
  2. Go to "Settings": Click your profile picture and select "Settings".
  3. Navigate to "Meeting": Ensure the "Waiting Room" feature is toggled on.
  4. Save Changes: Always remember to save any changes you make.

How to Customize the Waiting Room Experience

Customizing your Zoom Waiting Room can enhance the experience for your participants by making it more engaging and informative. Here’s how you can make the most of it.

Adding a Custom Message or Logo

Custom messages and logos add a personal touch and provide essential information to Waiting Room participants:

  1. Log in to the Zoom web portal.
  2. Go to "Settings": Find this in the left-hand menu.
  3. Under "Security", locate the "Waiting Room" option and click "Customize Waiting Room".
  4. Add your custom message: Write a brief welcome note or important instructions.
  5. Upload your logo: Ensure the logo is high-quality and meets Zoom’s size requirements (60x40 pixels).

Setting Up Personalized Waiting Room Greetings

Personalized greetings can make a significant difference in how participants feel before entering the meeting:

  • Welcome Video: You can upload a welcome video (MOV, M4V, or MP4) up to 30MB. This feature is available for paid accounts.
  • Custom Text: Write a greeting that addresses participants directly, making them feel valued.

Importance of Branding in Waiting Rooms

Branding your Waiting Room is not just about aesthetics; it’s a strategic move that reinforces your organization’s identity:

  • Builds Trust: Consistent branding helps participants feel secure and professional.
  • Enhances Recognition: A branded Waiting Room makes your meetings instantly recognizable.
  • Professional Image: It shows you pay attention to details, enhancing your professional image.

Examples of Effective Waiting Room Customizations

Here are some effective customization ideas to inspire you:

  • Corporate Meetings: Use your company’s logo, a formal welcome message, and a brief agenda.
  • Educational Sessions: Include the institution's logo, a motivational quote, and a list of topics to be covered.
  • Webinars: Add a banner image promoting your next event, a countdown timer, and a call to action like “Follow us on social media”.

By customizing your Zoom Waiting Room, you create a welcoming and professional environment that prepares participants for the meeting ahead.

Common Errors and How to Resolve Them

Several common errors can cause issues with the Waiting Room:

  • Error: Participants are joining directly:
  • Solution: Double-check that the Waiting Room is enabled for all types of meetings in your settings.
  • Error: Waiting Room not appearing during an active meeting:
  • Solution: Use the "Security" button in the meeting controls to enable the Waiting Room on-the-fly.
  • Error: Participants unable to join even after being admitted:
  • Solution: This might be a connectivity issue. Ensure both you and the participants have a stable internet connection.

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can ensure your Zoom Waiting Room operates smoothly, offering a secure and controlled meeting environment.


How Tactiq Enhances Your Zoom Waiting Room Experience

How Tactiq Enhances Your Zoom Waiting Room Experience
How Tactiq Enhances Your Zoom Waiting Room Experience

Tactiq is an advanced tool designed to elevate your Zoom meetings by providing live transcriptions, AI-generated summaries, and customizable AI meeting kits and prompts. Here’s how Tactiq can enhance your Zoom Waiting Room experience and make your meetings more efficient:

  • Real-time Transcriptions: Instantly capture everything discussed in your meetings, providing easy reference and improved accessibility for participants with hearing impairments.
  • AI-Generated Summaries: Save time with automatic summaries that highlight key points, helping you stay focused and ensuring everyone is aligned post-meeting.
  • AI Meeting Kits and Prompts: Streamline follow-up tasks with customizable prompts that automate actions like writing emails or creating Jira tickets, making your workflow smoother.

By integrating Tactiq into your Zoom meetings, you reduce administrative tasks, enhance productivity, and ensure your meetings are well-documented and organized. Whether you're managing small teams or large projects, Tactiq helps you stay on top of every detail.

Download the free Tactiq Chrome Extension today!

Want the convenience of AI summaries?

Try Tactiq for your upcoming meeting.

Want the convenience of AI summaries?

Try Tactiq for your upcoming meeting.

Bringing AI into your meetings has never been so easy.

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