Google Meet meetings are a staple of our professional routines, but capturing every crucial detail during these sessions is a common challenge. Trying to take meeting notes while actively participating in a discussion is like multitasking in a high-stakes environment – something often gets missed!

Enter AI note taker: technology that ensures you don’t miss any important point or decision.

This article will explore how AI note-taking can transform your Google Meet experiences.

What is AI Note-Taking?

So, what exactly are AI note-taking tools, and how do they transform your Google Meet meetings?

Imagine having a smart assistant in your Google Meet sessions, diligently listening and accurately documenting everything significant. It’s a sophisticated software application that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to comprehend and capture your conversations.

AI note-taking apps use advanced speech-to-text technology, allowing them to listen to the spoken word and instantly transcribe it into written form. But what sets them apart is their ability to discern which parts of the dialogue are critical—identifying key takeaways, deadlines, and assigning responsibilities.

Why AI Note-Taking is Great for Google Meet

Google Meet meetings can be dynamic, with participants from various locations sharing ideas and screens and engaging in discussions simultaneously. In this environment, it's all too easy to overlook crucial details. This is where AI note-taking apps come to the rescue, allowing you to converse, ask questions, and contribute ideas, secure in the knowledge that you won't miss a thing!

Why Use AI Note-Taking with Google Meet Meetings

Integrating AI tools can dramatically improve collaboration and ensure no critical detail is overlooked, regardless of the meeting's complexity or participants' locations.

Gemini AI for Google Workspace

Gemini AI, formerly known as Duet AI, offers advanced features for Google Workspace but is not directly integrated with Google Meet for note-taking at this time. However, Gemini for Google Workspace offers the following features that improve the quality and inclusivity of virtual meetings:

Main Features and Benefits of Gemini for Google Meet

  • Custom Background Images: With Gemini, creating personalized background images for your meetings is simple. You can generate unique backgrounds directly within Meet. This feature enhances the visual aspect of your meetings and allows for a more personalized collaboration space.
Add a Custom Background Image with Gemini AI
Add a Custom Background Image with Gemini AI

Image from Google

  • Studio Quality Enhancements: Gemini offers studio look, studio lighting, and studio sound features to improve the overall meeting experience. Gemini ensures you’re seen and heard clearly, whether it’s upgrading a low-quality webcam feed to studio quality, simulating professional lighting, or restoring your original voice with studio sound.
  • Translated Captions: For teams spread across the globe, Gemini's translated captions feature is invaluable. It enables real-time subtitle translation, breaking language barriers and fostering a more inclusive environment.
  • Upcoming Features: Gemini is continuously evolving, with future updates set to include real-time note-taking, action item capture, and video snippet recording.

Accessing Gemini Features

Currently available on desktop, these features are accessible within Google Meet by selecting the relevant prompts, such as "Generate a Background" for custom images. The translated captions and enhanced video and audio quality settings can be adjusted to suit individual needs, ensuring a tailored meeting experience for every participant.

How to use Gemini AI for Google Docs

Note: The Gemini AI feature for Google Docs is gradually being implemented for AI Premium Plan users.

While Gemini AI still needs to be directly integrated with Google Meet for note-taking purposes, it offers a range of features within Google Docs that can improve your meeting preparations and follow-up processes. As part of the Google Workspace Labs trusted tester program, Gemini introduces AI-powered capabilities to Google Docs, enabling users to:

  • Write and Refine Content: Gemini can assist in drafting and refining content directly within your documents, making it easier to prepare meeting agendas, summaries, or follow-up actions in context.
  • Summarize Documents and Emails: Need a quick recap of a lengthy document or an email thread? Gemini can summarize content from your Google Drive files and Gmail, helping you stay on top of crucial information without sifting through every detail.
  • Generate Creative Content: From images to creative ideas, Gemini can spark inspiration and bring your documents to life, perfect for brainstorming sessions or adding visual elements to your meeting notes.
  • Important Considerations: Currently available on desktop, Gemini's features are rolling out gradually as part of the Google Workspace Labs program. It's important to note that these AI-generated suggestions do not represent Google's views and should be used with discretion, especially for sensitive information.

Accessing Gemini in Google Docs

Gemini AI
Gemini AI

Image from Google

To use Gemini's AI features in Google Docs:

  1. Open a Google Docs document and click "Ask Gemini" at the top right.
  2. Use the side panel to input your request, whether generating new text, summarizing existing content, or creating images.
  3. Insert the AI-generated content directly into your document, refining or regenerating content as needed.

Summarizing Text with Gemini

Gemini also offers a straightforward way to obtain summaries of your documents. Simply ask Gemini to "Summarize this document" or request a simplified explanation. For specific sections, highlight the text and ask for a summary, making it easier to distill key points for meeting agendas or notes.

More information on how to use Gemini AI with Google Docs can be found here.


Looking for an Alternative? Consider Tactiq

Tactiq for Google Meet
Tactiq for Google Meet

If you’re still waiting for Gemini’s note-taking feature or seeking additional functionalities, Tactiq is an excellent alternative. Tactiq is an AI note-taking app for Google Meet, offering:

  • Comprehensive Meeting Transcription: Captures and transcribes speech-to-text in real-time during meetings.
  • Highlight Key Points: Easily mark and review important meeting segments.
  • Ask A Question Feature: Interact with AI and ask questions about your meeting.

Tactiq is an ideal solution for those prioritizing comprehensive meeting documentation and efficient information retrieval.

AI note-taking apps like Gemini and Tactiq enhance the Google Meet experience by automating and improving many aspects of virtual meetings, from visual and audio quality to overcoming language barriers and ensuring comprehensive meeting notes. Choosing the tool that best fits your team’s needs can make your Google Meet sessions more productive, inclusive, and engaging.

How to Use Tactiq's AI Note-Taking with Google Meet Meetings

To install Tactiq on your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Visit the Chrome Web Store. Click ‘Add to Chrome’ on the right-hand side of the page, then Add Extension.
  2. If you have Tactiq installed but haven't enabled Google Meet, go to the ‘Integrations’ section on the left side of the Tactiq dashboard.
Tactiq Integrations
Tactiq Integrations
  1. Click ‘Connect’ next to the Google Meet icon.
Tactiq Integrations Section
Tactiq Integrations Section
  1. Join your meeting. You'll see the Tactiq widget on the right side of your screen within your Google Meet display. This area is where you'll see the live transcription appear.
Tactiq Widget
Tactiq Widget

How to Take Notes Using Tactiq on Google Meet

Here’s how to use Tactiq to capture meeting notes from your Google Meet calls:

  1. After the meeting, go to your Transcripts page and select the Google Meet meeting. Here, you can access the full transcript.
  2. Under the AI Meeting tools section, click ‘Short Summary.' Tactiq can generate automated meeting notes to enable more informed and faster decision-making processes. You can also select from the quick prompts to generate what you need.
Tactiq Short Summary Feature
Tactiq Short Summary Feature
  1. Interacting with the transcript is also possible by asking questions and chatting with Tactiq’s AI feature. This interactivity allows you to delve deeper into specific topics or clarify certain points without sifting through the entire recording. Type your prompt in the “Ask a Question” text box, then click ‘Ask.’
Tactiq Ask a Question Feature
Tactiq Ask a Question Feature

By using this AI note-taking app, you can summarize your Google Meet meetings without watching every minute of the video.


Here are some frequently asked questions about AI note-taking with Google Meet and how it can improve your meeting experience:

Does Google have an AI note-taker?

Google has introduced AI-driven features across Google Workspace, which enhance various applications, including enhancements for Google Docs through Gemini AI. However, a direct AI note-taking feature specifically designed for Google Meet sessions is not currently available within Gemini AI's suite of tools.

Can AI take notes during a meeting?

AI can take notes during a meeting, but the direct integration of such a feature within Google Meet via Gemini AI is not yet available. For those looking to use AI for note-taking in Google Meet, alternative tools and extensions, such as Tactiq, are recommended to automatically transcribe and capture meeting highlights in real-time.

Is there a note-taker for Google Meet?

While Google Meet itself does not have a native AI note-taking feature through Gemini AI, third-party applications like Tactiq offer robust note-taking capabilities. These tools can be used alongside Google Meet to ensure comprehensive meeting documentation, including real-time transcription and key point highlights.

How do I make Google Meet automatic notes?

To enable automatic note-taking in Google Meet, users will need to use third-party extensions or tools designed for this purpose, as Gemini AI does not directly offer such a feature for Google Meet at this time.

One effective solution is installing and activating a browser extension like Tactiq, which integrates with Google Meet to provide automatic transcription and note-taking during your meetings.

Mastering the Art of AI Note-Taking

AI note-taking significantly advances how we conduct and manage meetings in the digital age. By using AI note-taker apps, users can enjoy a more focused and engaging meeting experience, with the assurance that meeting notes are accurately captured and easily accessible post-meeting.

Start your journey towards more productive, inclusive, and efficient meetings today by integrating Tactiq into your next Google Meet session.

More Resources

Want the convenience of AI summaries?

Try Tactiq for your upcoming meeting.

Want the convenience of AI summaries?

Try Tactiq for your upcoming meeting.

Bringing AI into your meetings has never been so easy.

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