Simply upload your MP4 file and convert your video to text in seconds.
Check out the transcript created by our MP4 to text converter. Utilize our pre-made AI prompts for immediate insights, or personalize your own for customized results. Whether it's brief summaries, email follow-ups, or generating agendas for your next board meeting, we've got all your needs covered.
Export your MP4 transcript as a PDF or TXT file, or seamlessly integrate it with your favorite tools like Notion or Google Docs using our built-in integrations.
Tactiq gives you actionable meeting insights to improve productivity, progress, and outcomes.
How to create your own AI prompts in Tactiq
Ask a question
Submit a custom prompt to generate a specific meeting output.
Save new prompt
Save the AI response as a new prompt and group it in different meeting kits.
Use in all meetings
Apply your new prompt in one click for all future meeting transcripts.