AI Note Taker for Solopreneurs

Transcribe meetings to stay on top of next steps. For each client.

Tactiq helps solopreneurs manage multiple projects by keeping conversations, notes, and summaries organized.

Tactiq supports over 25 languages!
Transcription tool for Zoom, Google Meet and MS Teams
2 m+
Meetings are transcribed with Tactiq every month
Users currently have the Tactiq Chrome Extension installed
Based on 1,200+ reviews on Chrome Web Store

Stay organized and save time when juggling multiple client projects


Install Tactiq to transcribe all your meetings in real time with 98% accuracy.

Recalling information

Review discussions & decisions from meetings to always be up to speed.

Writing updates

Quickly generate meeting summaries & action items with AI prompts.

Tactiq uses AI to put your meeting transcripts to work

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Turn meeting insights into strategic actions

Transform every insight from client meetings into strategic actions. Propel your projects forward, ensuring every discussion turns into tangible progress.

Get short or detailed meeting summaries with one click

Clarify project priorities with actionable next steps

Use detailed transcripts to improve decision-making

Improve client relations and communication

Keep communications clear, detailed, and efficient with automated meeting follow-ups. Never miss key details about client requirements.

Ensure transparency with detailed updates

Have a clear reference to agreed deadlines

Generate detailed follow-ups with no effort

Ensure better project & task organization

With Tactiq, solopreneurs can effortlessly manage and prioritize tasks, keeping projects aligned with client goals, timelines, and business objectives.

Create project updates based on meetings

Generate action items & next steps instantly

Integrate with your project management tool

Reclaim your time with better efficiency

Tactiq empowers solopreneurs to save precious hours, focusing on project progress and growth rather than repetitive manual tasks.

Eliminate manual notes and summary writing

Simplify meeting prep and follow-up actions

Stop digging through notes for next priorities

Make smart decisions with confidence

Leverage Tactiq transcripts to get the insights you need and make data-driven decisions.

Use summaries for quick decision-making

Guide strategy with clear actionable insights

Make the right calls without missing a detail

Why the most productive solopreneurs love using Tactiq:
“It helps me save lots of time. For example, I am an investigator, which allows me to transcribe the interviews, which could take one hour.”
“Real-time access to transcripts. Great for work productivity. It is an indispensable feature for the accessibility of people with disabilities.”
“The service does what it needs to and it is easy to setup and collaborate with a team. Saves us from having to type near-verbatim notes for hours-long meetings. For record-keeping and as a reference.”
conference tool icons with tactiq icon
Install the bot-free Chrome extension now
Tactiq works in browser meetings on Google Meet, Zoom, and Teams

Store all your transcripts from different meeting apps in one place.

Meeting transcription top features
Speaker identification. Tactiq is a great listener and detects who said what so you can understand their tasks, goals, and priorities.
Real-time transcriptions. Get a live view of transcriptions during meetings in the non-intrusive, bot-free Tactiq window. Effortlessly track topics and reference previous remarks during conversations.
Fast search. Quickly jump to the exact part of the conversation you need for reference to bring up ideas, priorities, and insights.
Over 30+ languages. Tactiq speaks English, Spanish, French, German, and 30+ other languages to generate transcripts for international teams.
Add tags & labels. Make it easier to find action items, decisions, questions, or highlights by adding tags, labels, or comments to the live transcript.
Take screenshots. Add visuals to the transcript and capture important moments, specific references, or parts of a presentation you will need later.
Export to docs. Turn live transcriptions into a range of documents and formats using the PDF or TXT export to automate documentation, content for knowledge bases, and task briefs.
Measure speaker participation. View speaker stats after the meeting to understand who are the most active participants.
Share transcripts. Share meeting transcripts, summaries, and recaps with speakers or other stakeholders easily via email or shareable link.
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Connect your favorite apps.
Tactiq integrates with online meeting software, project management platforms, CMS platforms, communication tools, and much more.
Questions? This is the spot for answers!👇

If you have any further questions, Get in touch with our friendly team

Is Tactiq cost-effective for solopreneurs with limited budgets?

Absolutely. The tool is designed with the budget considerations of solopreneurs in mind, offering an affordable solution that maximizes productivity without the need for multiple, costly tools.

Can it improve my client interactions?

Yes, by providing accurate transcriptions and summaries of your meetings, Tactiq ensures you never miss important client details, enhancing your professional relationships and helping you deliver exceptional value.

How can it help me manage my solo business more efficiently?

Tactiq allows you to focus on delivering services and growing your business, rather than being bogged down by note-taking, reviewing conversations and task management.

Will everyone in the meeting see the transcription?

No, the transcription is only displayed for you, but you can notify everyone that you're transcribing during the meeting. Learn more.

Will it help me get more client referrals and testimonials?

By streamlining your operations and improving client satisfaction, Tactiq positions you to receive positive feedback and referrals, driving growth and enhancing your reputation.

Can I test Tactiq before committing to a paid plan?

Absolutely, all features are available to try on our free plan, allowing you to fully explore and experience how Tactiq can transform your meetings before making any commitment.

Put your client meetings to work using AI

Keep your projects on track with actionable meeting insights. Transcribe your first 10 meetings for free.

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